Click here to go to “Growing by the Numbers” – November 2018
ND: Quality of Life Improves Through Reduction in Poverty
The Census Bureau released a number of statistics related to poverty this fall for the prior year. In the one-year American Community Survey (ACS) release the US poverty rate was estimated to be 13.4 percent. North Dakota’s rate was 10.3 percent, putting the state among the 10 with the lowest rates of poverty in the ACS statistics for 2017. Since 2007, while the US poverty rate climbed at one point to nearly 16 percent using ACS data, North Dakota’s never exceeded 13 percent, reaching the highest point in 2009 and generally declining since. The state’s rate of poverty has trended down over the past 10 years. In 2007 North Dakota had an estimated poverty rate of 12.1, just under the national estimate of 13 percent. North Dakota ranked 27th lowest of the 50 states in that year. Source: Census Bureau ACS Files 1-Year 20072017 Table S1701